Wednesday 24 June 2015

a night at a kinky salon

the theme was tropical underworld
& i was a siren
(a meer thing from the sea
 a time when looks could kill)
inside or outside
sticky hot + topless
(everyone was topless)
she: blonde. ambitious. skirt. yellow. patent. pink. flash. invitation. said call me salome
i said yo salome.
see that man over there she said.
i saw that man over there talking tactics with hades
we share a whole lotta love she said wanna slice?
i said sure.
she said her boyfriend had never.
well i never i said i have and i will do it again
if thats what he wants?
its: what he wants is what i want she said.
first is what i want she said.
what i want she said
head on a platter - u can guess the rest

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