Thursday, 24 September 2015


words: i am adamant i wish i never read
marionette regurgitate all the things u said (no homo)
rock the amber remember to forget
& only the man with the microphone can tell u what he loves the most
eddie says school is back in session scolding
but i been extracurricular for at least a minute
it reads like physics it isnt
visceral tectonics shifted
cultivated field trips
eyeball to eyeball wizard prestidigitator
i go for the jugular
- chill! 
- im cool
look: a couple licking at ice cream they swap licks
look: matthew mcconaugheys mouth is open
look: woody harrelsons mouth is wide open
great white hopes of hetero bros
in parenthesis not to speak of them no name hos
jaws ajar 
in surprise?
they surmise?
laying in wait for flies?
or a 
mantra: what
        what will u
        what will u do
        what will u do with that information?
im sauber kitchen clean not even
kusmi tea hits all the high notes i noticed
an hour glass triumphant lasts 3 4 5 minutes max simultaneously aghast: the couple are still licking at the same same same same ice cream
which will not melt
& the temperatures more temperate so butter will not melt
& teenage revisionists insist with a history of violence so butter will not melt
hold the front page flip flops hypocrisy so butter will not melt
so kundalini im coming clean so nothing will melt in my mouth
so so solid of subtle bodies 
i will not melt
in droste i trust
i love in a elevator
coming up
im coming up 
twerking mandibulars im clean
& immer noch im coming up
burning trees made for clairvoyant opacity residue of dreams
made it hard to brush my teeth
dirty mouth cannot talk clean tings
one time minimize in bright black
what function dat function
when form my porn all along the golden schnitt
yeah dass me im it
content with meagre portions
hold on
i aint finished yet
a second adolescence they reckon can be perfected
with 20/20 in the back of ur head
loose gums so fun eventually disenchanted with meritrition
i sat in front of u for long and learned to look + cop a feel
+ hear myself with tepid ears
ur names not down ur not coming in
fuck dat nigga
fuck dat nigga &
fuck dat nigga
mantra: what 
            will u do with that information?
multiply the binaries
investigate utopias
irritate complacency
i was in a coma
now im copacetic
yes i am a poet
maybe im a shaman
this lipstick is not my girlfriends
i said 

i see sirens i say shhhhh
a mute button for all yall
who talk too too much
tyrannical maybe
join the ranks
put a bouncer in the walls of jericho
& its peaceful when i rock the microphone

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