Wednesday, 24 June 2015

king of pentacles

blondie is lying upside 
down people on the ceiling
sleeping screaming SHUT THE FUCK UP
because she doesnt wanna chill
if in doubt
toggle the three prong fork
+ merk it ostentatious:
they deserve it
murky manuscripts say just this
does this qualify as clear reasoning?
shoplifting again -
no need for greed
so whats the devil +
   whats your poison
butter fingers slipped in your mouth
& u never melt under pulmonary pressure
so good at bad habits
springloaded hemlines
shifty pixels + illogical conclusions
i came to binging on
go for stones
get no satisfaction
& i cannot lick my own elbow
& i cannot see my own face
& i/m jealous of the mirror

to the mirror

does that not piss u off?
u have never seen ur own face.
i have experienced more of ur face than u have of ur face.
u have experienced more of my face than i have of my face.
its my face!
why can i not see my own face?
give me back my face back!

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